Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A House of Order

I have been focusing a lot lately on fixing up our house, making it feel more homey (every single wall is currently bare), organizing, and being more disciplined in keeping it clean. It is slow going.

The other night as I was washing the mound of dishes that had accumulated over the couple of days previous, I got to thinking about something our bishop mentioned last Sunday: the more clean and organized our homes are, the more the Spirit will be able to dwell there.

If I were to get a letter telling me that a member of the Godhead were to come to my home for a visit, how would I want my home to look? How would I prepare, both physically and spiritually? I know that even when a friend drops by I try to tidy up and at least hide the clutter.

But in my prayers I frequently ask that the Holy Ghost to be in our home every day. When I leave things a mess, surely that doesn't seem like a very sincere invitation, and doesn't reflect how much I value His presence.

So, once again, I am recommitting to make our house "a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God." (Doctrine & Covenants 132:8)

p.s. I like this talk by President Monson. A good reminder that we ourselves are temples, too, and we must build up our house.

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